The Cork Indy has a little article on Mike Hurley and Stet Lab.
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Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]
…a celebration of the practice of improvisation in all its diversity, complexity and, perhaps, contradictions
The Cork Indy has a little article on Mike Hurley and Stet Lab.
This month’s evening of improvisations and extemporizations will take place this Thursday (July 10th). The ninth Stet Lab will feature guest artist Mike Hurley on piano, who will be joined by bassist Neil O’Loghlen.
Next Stet Lab (featuring Mike Hurley) will be on Thursday, July 10th 2008, Ó Riada Hall, UCC Department of Music, Sundays Well, Cork, Ireland. Please note the new venue and earlier start time!
The next Stet Lab (featuring Mike Hurley) will be on Thursday, July 10th 2008. Please not that, due to circumstances beyond our control, there is unfortunately likely to be a last minute change of venue.
This month’s Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will take place in just over a week (Thursday, June 12th).
Next Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will be on Thursday, June 12th 2008, upstairs @ Sláinte, Market Lane (off Patrick Street), Cork, Ireland. Please note the new venue!