I’ve redesigned www.busterandfriends.com. The revamp is long overdue. Despite some changes behind the scenes, the previous design was more than four years old. There’s some new stuff, a few redirects, collation of previously scattered content (including a new Downloads page), and a new banner photo by Julia Healy. I expect the usual usual bugs, typos and teething problems. I welcome comments and error reports: contact me or leave a message below.
Looking good! Hope all is well.
Thanks, Corey. I imagine you’ve noticed that this isn’t the html5 site; trying to learn html5 and redesign the site was more time consuming than I had anticipated.
Anyway, all good here. How’re you?
Testing Jetpack commenting system… Please ignore.
“usual usual bugs”? There’s a typo right there… but I think it may be poetic to let it stand 😉
Testing Jetpack commenting system… including links…