Lightheaded kitchen equipment and disciplined barbarism. Greg Burk of MetalJazz gives an account of the July 21, 2011 ResBox including the duo by Ted Byrnes and me:
…Drummer Ted Byrnes and electric guitarist Han-Earl Park launch into fast, busy abstraction. Byrnes tosses kitchen equipment around his kit, keeping up an ever-changing lightheaded commentary. Park applies every technique to his detuned ax—tapping, sliding, muting, twisting the machine heads. It’s simultaneously disciplined and barbaric. For the second time in a week, I witness a guitarist (the other was Allan Holdsworth) sounding as if he’s playing backward, and this time it’s clear that the method involves heavy pumping of a volume pedal. Between assaults, Park re-detunes his guitar. Ever ready for audience participation, [G. E.] Stinson yells, “Dude, why bother?” Park explains that he’s careful to avoid accidental tonality. [Read the rest…]
— Greg Burk (MetalJazz)
Next up: catch Ted Byrnes and Han-earl Park with Kris Tiner on Sunday (July 31, 2011), 1:00pm at the Metro Galleries (1604 19th Street, Bakersfield, California 93301). Admission is $5. [Details…]