I’ve just created a newsletter (via MailChimp). Please signup below to receive email updates on my musical activities.
small print
Small Print: This newsletter is announcement only: subscribers cannot use it for discussion, and traffic should be minimal (I anticipate no more than two or three post per quarter). I will not reveal your contact details to other subscribers, nor pass them to another party. I will not use the newsletter to cross-promote anything that is not related to my music activities. You may unsubscribe at any time.
I will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch via email only with you and to provide updates. I will treat your information with respect. By clicking to subscribe, you agree that I may process your information in accordance with these terms.
I use MailChimp as my marketing automation platform. By clicking to subscribe, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms .
I don’t expect to be sending updates more than a few time a year (busterandfriends.com will remain the most up-to-date source for my activities), so signing up to the newsletter shouldn’t contribute heavily to your inbox detritus. Also, possibly more importantly, unsubscribing to these updates should be significantly easier than in the past.
I’ll be the first to admit this is long overdue, but with performances coming up in Cork, Manchester, Cambridge, London, Belfast and elsewhere (sorry, I didn’t get this up and running in time for Berlin), this seemed like a good time for a kick-off.
05–15-18: update the small print.
07–22-19: update anticipated number of posts.