download release: Michael Lytle and Han-earl Park, β€˜coma duo’

…ded June 9, 2013 at ABC No Rio, New York. Performance presented as part of COMA: Citizens Ontological Music Agenda curated by Blaise Siwula. Recorded and mixed by Michael Lytle. © 2013 Elewhale Music Productions. β„— 2013 Michael Lytle and Han-earl Park. Also available for download [more…] Dunmall-Park-Sanders (Birmingham, 02-15-11) [details…] Performers: Paul Dunmall (saxophones and bagpipes), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Mark Sanders (drums). (cc) 2…

site update: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park

…ctive dance made audible—a musical fender bender involving electroacoustic complexities and (physio)logical splutter-cuts, jump-cuts and match-cuts—an intense white-knuckle extemporization unit—the duo of composer, performer and electronic musician Richard Barrett and guitarist, improviser and constructor Han-earl Park. Celebrated for his dense, complex, intricate music, Richard Barrett is perhaps best known for his work with Paul Obermayer as par…

thanks: Han-earl Park and Dominic Lash plus Corey Mwamba (Manchester, Cambridge and London, May 2015)

…eyden; paying The Racially Diverse Trio of Nerdy Guys in comics (thanks to Free Comic Book Day); revisiting my take on soundart and music; finding, with Dom and Rex, unexpected musical possibilities in the imagined names of the royal baby; watching Bark! in motion—off and on-stage—an ensemble that plays like a joke where the punchline never arrives (and it’s awesome); Dom saying that “the details need to work harder”; Steve Beresford telling tales…

Download of the Day at All About Jazz

…I’m very happy and honored to be featured as Download of the Day at All About Jazz. ‘Chorale’ by Franziska Schroeder and myself is All About Jazz’ featured download for today! (Although mistakenly attributed to another recording by Paul Dunmall and myself; sorry Franziska.) [Download the rest of the performance…] Facebook Twitter Bluesky Mastodon Email More Tumblr Threads Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Pinterest Pocket Print…

Eris 136199: effortlessly strange improvised music

…eautifully during the mixing process. The music, recording and the mix are complete, and this is where you, our awesome fans, come in. Eris 136199 now needs to take the final steps to releasing the album: mastering the album, creating the artwork and design, and pressing the CDs. And we are offering special rewards (including exclusive never-before-heard recordings, limited edition merch, and one-of-a-kind items), so please check out the various r…

100% perishable skills and shrieks of crustaceans (a Jazz Noise: 7 Questions)

…uthern Reach Trilogy affected Sirene 1009: Aspects of VanderMeer’s writing compelled me to push the Sirene 1009 mix away from the vérité that is the vernacular of recorded free improvisation…. The solution [to issues with mixing the recording] turned out to be to ratchet up the artifice of the recording…. The differences and transitions are, hopefully, subtle enough that the listener are not consciously jolted out of the moment, but it weaves an e…

Dalston Sound: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park

…S 201 cd) is available from Creative Sources Recordings. [More info…] [All reviews…] [Get the CD…] ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) [details…] [all reviews…] Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar). [About this duo…] © + β„— 2012 Creative Sources Recordings. io 0.0.1 beta++ (SLAMCD 531) [details…] [all reviews…] Performers: io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself), Han-earl Park (guitar), Bruce Coates (alto and sopranino saxophones) and Franziska…

Downtown Music Gallery: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith

…Sanders duet: Careful, crafty and well-played with that restrained yet fractured guitar that sounds so good. Han-Earl sound seems to be in between Derek Bailey & Philip Gibbs. [Read the rest…] Like I said, I’ll make the CD available shortly via (and it will be available as a download from, but in the meantime, if you want a copy, just drop me an email… …or, you could always walk down to the Downtown Music Gallery…

update: Just Improvisation, Belfast

…ts Research Centre (Queen’s University, Belfast, N. Ireland). Admission is free, and the event is open to the public. See the performance diary for up-to-date info. [Translating Improvisation page…] Program Fri 29 May 2015 2:00pm: Welcome & Introduction (Paul Stapleton and Sara Ramshaw) 2:15pm: Panel 1: ‘Child Protection as Social Practice: Challenges and Possibilities’ Chaired by: Marcella Leonard (Independent Social Worker) with: Denise McBride…

io 0.0.1 beta++: (musical) time and machine musicianship

…art of a series at the io 0.0.1 beta++ website about musical time, bodies, computation, machine musicianship, and the regulation of the musical: Perhaps the assumption of a foundational importance to musicality of a simple ‘beat detection’ stems from subscribing to a command-control model of musicality. In this model the mind is the central hub of the musical. In this model, rhythm is constant, inherited, external and which must be followed. This…

Gonggong 225088: opening 10 minutes!

…ed by truckers-in-space-engine-rumbles; slow-crawls-from-the-swap of irony-free ‘bells’n’smells’ sound art followed by turns-turns-turns-on-a-dime mutant Free Funk. [More…] I am super, super excited to finally be able to share this with you. The session was awesome: Rabih Beaini and his team did phenomenal work with the recording (it was a pleasure to mix), and I’m so happy that Carina Khorkhordina made time to be there and capture the performance…