reminder: Michael Lytle and Han-earl Park at ABC No Rio, New York

…This Sunday (June 9, 2013), at 7:00pm: Michael Lytle (bass clarinet) and Han-earl Park (guitar) perform as part of COMA: Citizens Ontological Music Agenda at ABC No Rio (156 Rivington Street, New York, NY 10002) [map/directions…]. Admission is $5. Facebook Twitter Bluesky Mastodon Email More Tumblr Threads Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Pinterest Pocket Print…

performance: Michael Lytle and Han-earl Park at ABC No Rio, New York

Sunday, June 9, 2013, at 7:00pm: a performance by Michael Lytle (bass clarinet) and Han-earl Park (guitar) as part of COMA: Citizens Ontological Music Agenda. Also performing is the Craig Flanagin Ensemble. The event takes place at ABC No Rio (156 Rivington Street, New York, NY 10002) [map/directions…]. Admission is $5. See the performance diary for up-to-date info. Facebook Twitter Bluesky Mastodon Email More Tumblr Threads Reddit WhatsApp Teleg…

performance diary 04-26-13 (Brooklyn, New York)

…a. Also performing: Craig Flanagin Ensemble. Admission: $5. [Details…] July 26, 2013 Douglass Street Music Collective 295 Douglass Street Gowanus Brooklyn, NY 11217 8:00pm Performance by Swim This (Nick Didkovsky: guitar; Gerry Hemingway: drums; and Michael Lytle: bass clarinet) with Han-earl Park (guitar). Also performing: Patty Franceschy (vibraphone) and Kate Gentile (drums). Recommended donation: $10. [Details…] [DSMC page…] 2013 North America…

performance: Han-earl Park, Catherine Sikora and Eric Lyon at ABC No Rio, New York

This Sunday (April 21, 2013), at 7:00pm: a performance by Han-earl Park (guitar), Catherine Sikora (saxophones) and Eric Lyon (piano) as part of COMA: Citizens Ontological Music Agenda. Also performing are Elliott Levin and Denis Beuret with Gene Janas. The event takes place at ABC No Rio (156 Rivington Street, New York, NY 10002) [map/directions…], and admission is $5. See the performance diary for up-to-date info. [ABC No Rio page…] Above video…

recording: Eris 136199, New York

…d depending on the traffic in New York), Catherine and I may be at Gowanus Company later tonight at Douglass Street Music Collective. Regardless of our presence, the evening, with performers including Kyoko Kitamura, Dominic Lash, Ingrid Laubrock, Dan Peck, Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen, Patrick Breiner, Tom Blancarte, Sara Schoenbeck, Will McEvoy, Josh Sinton and Aryeh Kobrinsky, promises to be a fun one. Maybe see you there. [DSMC page…] Facebook Tw…

thanks: Han-earl Park, Catherine Sikora and Josh Sinton at On The Way Out, Brooklyn

Thanks for all involved in the performance on March 26. Thanks to Michael Evans and Anders Nilsson of On The Way Out, and to Freddy’s Bar, for hosting the event; to Michael Lytle’s ensemble (with Mari Kimura, Nick Didkovsky and Andrew Drury) for sharing the bill, and for the imaginary slow-burn cartoon Kafka nightmare music as might be edited by Tex Avery and orchestrated by Carl Stalling; to Don Mount for yet again documenting music in motion (a…

reminder: Han-earl Park, Catherine Sikora and Josh Sinton at On The Way Out, Brooklyn

…This coming Tuesday (March 26, 2013), at 8:30pm (our set: 10:00pm): Han-earl Park (guitar), Catherine Sikora (saxophones) and Josh Sinton (saxophone and clarinet) will perform Metis 9 as part of On The Way Out at The Backroom @ Freddy’s Bar (627 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215) [map/directions…]. $10 suggested donation. [Details…] Facebook Twitter Bluesky Mastodon Email More Tumblr Threads Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Pinterest Pocket Print…

performance diary 02-26-13 (Brooklyn, New York)

upcoming performances date venue time details March 26, 2013 The Backroom @ Freddy’s Bar 627 5th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 8:30pm Performance of Metis 9 by Han-earl Park (guitar), Catherine Sikora (saxophones) and Josh Sinton (saxophone and clarinet) as part of On The Way Out. Also performing: Mari Kimura (violin), Nick Didkovsky (guitar), Andrew Drury (drums and percussion) and Michael Lytle (clarinet and analog electronics). Recommended donatio…

site update: farewell

…down. That shouldn’t affect the majority of visitors to this site, but some of the older media files stored on adagio (mostly linked via the scrapbook, guitar-guitarist duet pages, and the archived io 0.0.1 beta site) have now been migrated to That, I think, clears out the final relics of the pre-September 2007 buster & friends’ d’da. Thanks to Clay Chaplin and Tom Erbe for keeping the server(s)/service going all these years…

Revue & Corrigée: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park

‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) © 2012 Creative Sources Sporty and dynamic! The September 2012 issue of Revue & Corrigée prints a review of Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park’s ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd): Je connais de nombreuses pièces de Richard Barrett enregistrées, écrites ou improvisées. C’est une figure importante de la musique contemporaine, malheureusement sous-estimée en France. Je vous invite vivement à écouter ce répertoire et vous plonger dans cette s…

Monsieur Délire: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park

‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) © 2012 Creative Sources Catch me if you can! François Couture at Monsieur Délire describes a complex music that moves in multiple directions in his review of Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park’s ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd): Electronician Richard Barrett (of Furt) and guitarist Han-earl Park are working together to create music both spontaneous and premeditated, music that launches into several directions at a time (that’s Furt’s tr…