Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Stet Lab February 10th 2009: audio recordings

Audio recordings of the February 10th Stet Lab are now online.

A very warm thank you to Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders and Jamie Smith for their generosity of spirit and their remarkable musicianship. Thanks also to Katie O’Looney who demonstrated something you just can’t do on stage anymore, to all the Stet Lab (ir)regulars who performed—Andrea Bonino, Han-earl Park, Paul Dowling, Neil O’Loghlen, Owen Sutton, Veronica Tadman and Kevin Terry—and to the photographer, John Hough.

Last but not least, thanks to all who came to support this event. Hope to see y’all next month!

As with all the recordings since December 2008, this month’s recordings are covered under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. [More info…]