Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Stet Lab June 12th 2008

Next Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will be on Thursday, June 12th 2008, upstairs @ Sláinte, Market Lane (off Patrick Street), Cork, Ireland. Please note the new venue! Up-to-date details…

Stet Lab

featuring Murray Campbell
plus The Real-Time Company (for the Ad-Hoc Association) of…

Thursday, June 12th 2008


upstairs @ Sláinte [New venue!]
Market Lane (off Patrick Street)
Cork, Ireland

€10 (€5)

Cork’s monthly improvised music event—Stet Lab—begins their Summer 2008 season of on-stage mutations and hybrids on Thursday, 12th of June, upstairs at Sláinte. A unique opportunity to witness the interaction between novice and veteran, and local and visiting, improvising musicians, the June Stet Lab will feature California-based multi-instrumentalist Murray Campbell.

One of the most popular visiting artists of Stet Lab (he was guest artist in December 2007), Murray Campbell takes a short break from his duties with Vermillion Lies to return to Cork. As a fiddler (of Scottish, Balkan and Bluegrass idioms), and a violinist and double reed player in Classical, music theater and performance art settings, Campbell has recorded with musicians from California, Scotland, The Netherlands and elsewhere, and performed on four continents. In addition, Campbell was long time musical and technical director of Jan Langedijk’s theater company De Daders (Amsterdam), co-creator (with Alex Fiennes) of the octaphonic spatialization system for Dialogues (Edinburgh), and co-founder of the Church of Sonology.

Also performing at the event will be Stet Lab’s house band; a group of Cork-based improvisers appearing as The Real-Time Company (for the Ad-Hoc Association) of….

Stet Lab web site, reconstructing the

Welcome to Stet Lab’s new site (and blog).

There are now some small but significant changes for Stet Lab online.

web feeds

For those who keep up-to-date with Stet Lab events via the web feed, the main thing to note is that the event announcement feed is now at


Please update your subscriptions. (For those on the Stet Lab – announce list, you don’t have to do anything as this remains unchanged.)

In addition to the event news only feed, you can also subscribe to all blog posts. [More info…]

nuts’n’bolts and the road ahead

Stet Lab web site has now migrated to WordPress (with a sprinkle of K2), this opens up the opportunity for group blogging, Stet Lab event reviews, etc. We’ll see where this goes…