After recording my sixty-seven second ditty for the $100 Guitar Project, the instrument gets handed over to Taylor Levine. [About my track…] [more about this project…]
recording: $100 Guitar Project

Today, for the $100 Guitar Project, I recorded a sixty-seven second track with the title
apophenia: A atomic symphony in 10 movements
ii you seek
iii a comfortable spot to listen
iv to this
v track the sofa perhaps
vi or the
vii floor however
viii standing hand
ix suspended over the volume
x control you
xi find that
xii it is
“Charmed by its [the $100 guitar’s] no-name vibe and single bridge pickup that looks like an old radio,” Nick Didkovsky and Chuck O’Meara masterminded the $100 Guitar Project which now involves some 68+ guitarists. Bridge Records will release the project as a double CD with royalties to go to CARE. [More about this project…]

Big thanks to Scott Friedlander for the recording and the photography, and thanks to Nick and Chuck for the invitation to join this project.