A very big thanks to Paul Dunmall for performing with me on Friday [Details…]. It was (despite me suffering from a cold) a mind blowing experience. What a, to borrow an adjective Paul uses a lot, fantastic player. I’m reminded how much I have to learn and practice.
Kudos to Jesse Ronneau and Paul O’Donnell of the UCC Concerts Committee for programming us, to Mary Mitchell Ingoldsby for taking time to show Paul around the uilleann pipes, and to Carmel Daly and John Hough for help in all matters, respectively, administrative and technical. Thank also to Aisling Ryan for plugging the gig on handy as a small pot.
Last but not least, thanks to all who came to listen and watch.
By the way, there is a recording (audio and video) which we’ll need to decide what to do with. I’ll keep you posted.