Juno 3 (RAM-163CD)

disc art (copyright 2023 Ramble Records)
Art by Han-earl Park. Design by Atharwa Deshingkar. © 2023 Ramble Records.

Juno 3 (RAM-163CD), the debut album by the trio of Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas, is out now on Ramble Records!

The music on this album transports me to scenes from retro-scifi stories to those of present-day mass transit. It is, to my ears, the sounds of junction crossings, signals from space, and mysterious telegraphy; sometimes evoking impressions of walking by streams under footbridges, at others, of rushing through Manhattan Chinatown. Recorded live at Cafe OTO during the trio’s first meeting, we knew then that we had something special.

I think the sounds and the performances on this disc are all ’round captivating, gripping and fascinating, and the production work, exceptional. Take the journey with us: I’m super proud of the music, and I am thrilled to finally share this with you!

[Get the CD/download from Ramble (Bandcamp)…]

CD: $18 AUD plus shipping. Download: $8 AUD.


Get ready for the latest release of challenging and imaginative music from Ramble Records with Juno 3, the debut album from the trio of Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas. Recorded by Shaun Crook live at Cafe OTO, London, and mixed (refracted and rephrased) by Han-earl Park, the album is a particle sim of sounds which spelunks from derelict urban ravines to cybernetic rainforests, while catching auditory glimpses of crashing robotic waves, and strange telegraphic messages from space.

Nautiloid capsule tumbles
across field lines.
An impracticably agile,
graceful derailment.

Juno 3 is Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics). The eponymous album document the first meeting—interactive, relational—by this trio as it takes a journey: launching from the familiar of the Hackney club space into future imagined By Others. We coax it into our space.

Motion and motifs. (Switching gears, shedding engines.) Modes of transport change from first principles: future-past transit networks give way to bioengineered surfboards.

Bodies collide, unwind, and we’re up again. Reaching crossings; navigating junctions.

Intermodal is the only game we know. Networks (and bodies and vessels) weave, twist, cross then interweave, intertwist and intercross. (We, nocturnal monstrous shapes, turn and return to the deep.)

And, as the album comes to a close (thump’n’snap—bodies unwind), we find ourselves awakened back in the familiar club space. Or: half familiar. The same chairs, the same tables, the same staff. But not the same chair, not the same table, not the same staff.


Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).

track listing

Orbital Dusk I (6:04), Orbital Dusk II (4:20), Orbital Dusk III (2:29), Orbital Dusk IV (6:03), Diel Vertical Migration I (6:31), Diel Vertical Migration II (4:38), Diel Vertical Migration III (4:33), Diel Vertical Migration IV (7:36), Metastability (7:24). Total duration: 49:36.

recording details

Music by Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas.

Recorded live March 20, 2022, Cafe OTO, London.
Recorded by Shaun Crook.
Mixed by Han-earl Park. Mastered by Chris Sharkey.

Art by Han-earl Park. Design by Atharwa Deshingkar.

Thanks to Richard Barrett, Heather Frasch and Richard Scott; to Fielding Hope and everyone at Cafe OTO, Laura Cole and everyone at Fusebox, Wesley Stephenson of Jazz North East, and Peter O’Doherty of Northern Lights Project. Shoutouts to Corey Mwamba, Graeme Wilson, rit. and Una Lee. The performance was presented with funding from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

© and ℗ 2023 Ramble Records.

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Performance diary (Berlin, Derby, London and Newcastle) 081223

upcoming performances
date venue time details
September 17, 2023 PAS
Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101
10553 Berlin
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Yorgos Dimitriadis (percussion and electronics) and Camila Nebbia (saxophone). Also performing: Soporose (Sara Neidorf: drums; and Marco Bianciardi: guitar). [Details…]
[PAS page…] [Facebook event…]
September 26, 2023 PAS
Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101
10553 Berlin
TBC QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: synthesizers; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar).
Details to follow…
September 27, 2023 Café Plume
Warthestraße 60
12051 Berlin
6:00pm (doors: 5:30pm) Camila Nebbia (saxophone), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Yorgos Dimitriadis (percussion and electronics)
[Facebook event…]
October 4, 2023 PAS
Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101
10553 Berlin
8:30pm (doors: 8:00pm) QLH Move! with QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: synthesizers; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar) and dancers Jessica Gaynor, Anna Athanasiou, Jessica Akers and Lea Fulton.
[PAS page…] [Facebook event…]
October 13, 2023 KM28
Karl-Marx-Str. 28
12043 Berlin
8:30pm (doors: 8:00pm) SPLICE: an evening of improvisation and videography with new works composed and performed by Han-earl Park (guitar and videography), and by Carina Khorkhordina (trumpet and videography).
[KM program…] [Facebook event…]
Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
November 12, 2023 Venue TBC
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics) presented by Jazz North East.
Details to follow…
Senate Department for Culture and Community
November 13, 2023 Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics) perform as part of EFG London Jazz Festival.
£14, £12 advance, £7 members.
[OTO page/tickets…]
Senate Department for Culture and Community
November 15, 2023 Déda
19 Chapel Street
Derby DE1 3GU
6:30pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Heather Roche (clarinets) and Anton Hunter (guitar) presented by OUT FRONT!
Details to follow…
Senate Department for Culture and Community
December 4, 2023 Morphine Raum
Köpenicker Str. 147
10997 Berlin
8:30pm (doors: 8:00pm) Han-earl Park (guitar), Yorgos Dimitriadis (percussion and electronics) and Camila Nebbia (saxophone).
€10 at the door.
[Morphine page…]

Continue reading “Performance diary (Berlin, Derby, London and Newcastle) 081223”

Coming soon: Juno 3

Juno 3 by Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas will be released by Ramble Records in September 2023! As I said to Chris Sharkey, the mastering engineer, this album exists somewhere “between an audio play and a soundtrack album, as if Bernie Worrell had been tasked to create a score for a Douglas Adams produced radio adaptation of Space: 1999.” More soon!

Be first in-line to hear the new album! Please sign-up to my newsletter:

Signup to the newsletter [details…].

[About the newsletter…]

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 060323

upcoming performances
date venue time details
June 15, 2023 K77
Kastanienallee 77
10435 Berlin
10:00pm (doors: 9:30pm) Han-earl Park (guitar) and Sanja Star (sonic illustration) perform as part of das Ende. ° #003. Also performing: Eric Wong (laptop and bluetooth speakers). €10–15 at the door.
[Details…] [Facebook event…]
October 13, 2023 KM28
Karl-Marx-Str. 28
12043 Berlin
TBC New work composed and performed by Han-earl Park (guitar and videography). Also performing and presenting: Carina Khorkhordina (trumpet and videography). Details to follow…
Initiative Neue Musik Berlin
November 12, 2023 Venue TBC
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
Details to follow…
November 13, 2023 Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
£14, £12 advance, £7 members.
[OTO page/tickets…]

Continue reading “Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 060323”

Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 031523

upcoming performances
date venue time details
April 20, 2023 PAS
Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101
10553 Berlin
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) and Yorgos Dimitriadis (percussion and electronics) perform as part of DISSIDENTS XXXVIII. Also performing: Hada Benedito (piano), Kellen Mills (bass) and Lorena Izquierdo (action voice); Teresa Riemann (drums, vocals and effects); and Laura Zöschg (piano and voices). [Details…]
[PAS page…] [Facebook event…]
October 2023 (TBA) KM28
Karl-Marx-Str. 28
12043 Berlin
TBC New work composed and performed by Han-earl Park (guitar and videography). Also performing and presenting: Carina Khorkhordina (trumpet and videography). Details to follow…
November 2023 (TBA) Venue TBC
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
Details to follow…
November 2023 (TBA) Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
Details to follow…

Continue reading “Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 031523”

Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 012123

upcoming performances
date venue time details
February 14, 2023 REH
Kopenhagener Straße 17
10437 Berlin
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) and Marie Takahashi (viola) as part of Improvisierte Musik in der REH. Also performing: Axel Dörner (trumpet) and Carina Khorkhordina (trumpet); and Diego Kohn (violin) and Isabel Anders (piano) Lorena Izquierdo Aparicio (voice/performance). [Facebook event…]
October 2023 (TBA) KM28
Karl-Marx-Str. 28
12043 Berlin
TBC New work composed and performed by Han-earl Park (guitar and videography). Also performing and presenting: Carina Khorkhordina (trumpet and videography). Details to follow…
November 2023 (TBA) Venue TBC
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
Details to follow…
November 2023 (TBA) Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
TBC Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone and electronics) and Pat Thomas (electronics).
Details to follow…

Continue reading “Performance diary (Berlin, London and Newcastle) 012123”

Thanks: Derry, Dublin, Letterkenny, Leeds, London and Newcastle, March 2022

Photo collage: Han-earl Park, Una Lee, rit., Lara Jones and Pat Thomas.
Photos © 2022 Pete Woodman (Han-earl Park), © 2022 Mickey Rooney (Una Lee and rit.), © 2022 Cath Roberts (Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas), and © 2022 Han-earl Park (backgrounds).

Apologies for the delay in posting these acknowledgements (but no pandemic-era tour would be complete without at least a little drama), but I would like to quickly post a note of thanks to everyone who made my return, after two+ years, to touring.

A warm, heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined me on my travels, to those who worked behind-the-scenes to make the performances happen, to my hosts, to my fellow performers, and to those who came to listen. Thanks to everyone at Gosforth Civic Theatre, Hyde Park Book Club, Unit 44/Kirkos Ensemble, Regional Cultural Centre Letterkenny, and Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin. Special thanks to Fielding, Shaun and Conal at Cafe OTO, and to Laura, Pete, Oli and Chris at Fusebox. Shoutouts to Johnny Hunter and his Pale Blue Dot ensemble, to Crawler’s Kyra, and to Corey and Graeme, and I’m grateful to have shared the stage with Lara and Pat, and with rit. and Una.

And finally I would like to thank Wesley Stephenson at Jazz North East, and Peter O’Doherty of Northern Lights Project for their enthusiasm, hard work, genuine love of the music, and care for the artists who make it. In Wesley and Peter, I know two of the greatest supporters of creative musicians and adventurous listeners. Thank you so very much.

I am truly grateful to everyone’s support. Despite the difficulties of traveling and performing in the present-day condition, it has been a pleasure to bring my music to you.

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Out now on NEWJAiM Recordings

cover art (copyright 2021 NEWJAiM)

Of Life, Recombinant (NEWJAiM9) [details…]

Personnel: Han-earl Park (guitar) with Anne Wellmer (voice on track 4).

Track listing: Game: Mutation (5:38); Naught Opportune (≥ 10:42); Are Variant (≥ 8:06); Of Life, Recombinant (≥ 29:22). Total duration ≥ 53:48.

© 2021 NEWJAiM Recordings.
℗ 2021 Han-earl Park.

Tonight: Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas at Cafe OTO, London

tiles and rails (guitar, saxophone and keyboard)
© 2022 Han-earl Park

Tonight (Sunday, March 20, 2022), at 8:00pm: Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone) and Pat Thomas (keyboards) perform at Cafe OTO (18–22 Ashwin Street, Dalston, London E8 3DL). [Get tickets…]

Also in March 2022

Han-earl Park is also performing a solo set in Leeds (March 22), and, with rit. and Una Lee, in Dublin (24), Letterkenny (25), Derry (26) and Belfast (27). See the performance diary for details.

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Performance diary (Belfast, Derry, Dublin, Letterkenny, Leeds, London, Newcastle) 030622

upcoming performances
date venue time details
March 19, 2022 Gosforth Civic Theatre
Regent Farm Road
Newcastle NE3 3HD
7:00pm (doors: 6:30pm) Han-earl Park (guitar). A solo performance, plus a discussion (with Corey Mwamba) as part of The Sound of Science. Also performing and presenting: Johnny Hunter’s Pale Blue Dot with Mark Hanslip, Seth Bennett, Gemma Bass, Aby Vulliamy and Michael Bardon. Presented by Jazz North East.
Free but ticketed.
[Gosforth Civic Theatre page/tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 20, 2022 Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone) and Pat Thomas (keyboards).
£12, £10 advance, £6 members.
[Details…] [OTO page/tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 22, 2022 Hyde Park Book Club
27–29 Headingley Lane
Leeds LS6 1BL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar). Also performing: James Banner and Stephanie Lamprea. Presented by Fusebox.
£5 (free to Leeds Conservatoire students).
Details to follow…
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 24, 2022 Unit 44
44 Prussia Street
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 25, 2022 Regional Cultural Centre
Cove Hill, Port Road
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 26, 2022 Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin
37 Great James Street
Derry BT48 7DF
N. Ireland
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 27, 2022 The Black Box
8–22 Hill Street
Belfast BT1 2LA
N. Ireland
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and EuropeEVENT CANCELLED.

Continue reading “Performance diary (Belfast, Derry, Dublin, Letterkenny, Leeds, London, Newcastle) 030622”

Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas at Cafe OTO, London

tiles and rails (guitar, saxophone and keyboard)
© 2022 Han-earl Park

Hear the improvisers Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas guide, and be guided by, sounds—map Lost Inland Stations; evoke phantom cavernous clubs; coax Sleeping Giants to dance a new dance—the shifts and signals in the real-time networks and relationships of interaction.

Sunday, March 20, 2022, at 8:00pm: Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone) and Pat Thomas (keyboards) perform at Cafe OTO (18–22 Ashwin Street, Dalston, London E8 3DL). £12, £10 advance, £6 members. [Get tickets…]

See the performance diary for up-to-date info. [Cafe OTO page…] [Facebook event…]

Also in March 2022

I’m also performing in Newcastle and Leeds, and, with rit. and Una Lee, in Dublin, Letterkenny, Derry and Belfast. See the performance diary for details.

Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Performance diary (Belfast, Berlin, Derry, Dublin, Letterkenny, Leeds, London, Newcastle, Wiesbaden) 121621

upcoming performances
date venue time details
January 6, 2022 Sowieso
Weisestraße 24
12049 Berlin
8:30pm (doors: 8:00pm) QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: organ; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar) with Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen (saxophone).
[Details…] [Reserve seat…]
Musikfonds / Neustart Kultur
January 7, 2022 Secret Location*
Germany * Contact me for details.
9:00pm (doors: 8:00pm) QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: organ; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar) with Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen (saxophone). Also performing: Dirar Kalash. [Details…]
Musikfonds / Neustart Kultur
January 13, 2022 Au Topsi Pohl
Pohlstraße 64
10785 Berlin
8:00pm QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: organ; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar). Also performing: Jasper Stadhouders (guitar) and Christian Marien (drums). [Au Topsi program…]
Musikfonds / Neustart Kultur
January 14, 2022 Petersburg Art Space
Kaiserin Augusta Allee 101
10553 Berlin
8:00pm QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: organ; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar) with Catherine Sikora John Dikeman (saxophone). Also performing: Deep Turtle (Conor Cunningham, Alessandro and Joey Gavin). [PAS program…]
Musikfonds / Neustart Kultur
January 15, 2022 TBA
TBA QLH (Quentin Tolimieri: organ; Luca Marini: drums; and Han-earl Park: guitar).
Details to follow…
March 19, 2022 Gosforth Civic Theatre
Regent Farm Road
Newcastle NE3 3HD
7:00pm (doors: 6:30pm) Han-earl Park (guitar). A solo performance, plus a discussion (with Corey Mwamba) as part of The Sound of Science. Also performing and presenting: Johnny Hunter’s Pale Blue Dot with Mark Hanslip, Seth Bennett, Gemma Bass, Aby Vulliamy and Michael Bardon. Presented by Jazz North East.
Free but ticketed.
[Gosforth Civic Theatre page/tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 20, 2022 Cafe OTO
18–22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar), Lara Jones (saxophone) and Pat Thomas (keyboards).
£12, £10 advance, £6 members.
[Details…] [OTO page/tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 22, 2022 Hyde Park Book Club
27–29 Headingley Lane
Leeds LS6 1BL
8:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar). Also performing: James Banner and Stephanie Lamprea. Presented by Fusebox.
£5 (free to Leeds Conservatoire students).
Details to follow…
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 24, 2022 Unit 44
44 Prussia Street
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 25, 2022 Regional Cultural Centre
Cove Hill, Port Road
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 26, 2022 Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin
37 Great James Street
Derry BT48 7DF
N. Ireland
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
March 27, 2022 The Black Box
8–22 Hill Street
Belfast BT1 2LA
N. Ireland
7:00pm Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Una Lee (voice and electronic) and rit. (voice and electronics).
Presented by Northern Lights Project.
[Details…] [Get tickets…]
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Continue reading “Performance diary (Belfast, Berlin, Derry, Dublin, Letterkenny, Leeds, London, Newcastle, Wiesbaden) 121621”