audio recordings: updates

Samples from the March 26th 2009 performance by Han-earl Park and Franziska Schroeder, and the February 11th 2009 by Paul Dunmall, Han-earl Park, Mark Sanders, Jamie Smith are now online. [More…]

Downtown Music Gallery: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith

‘Live at the Glucksman gallery, Cork’ CD cover
‘Live at the Glucksman gallery, Cork’ CD cover

Bruce Lee Gallanter of the Downtown Music Gallery has some nice things to say about the ParkDunmallSandersSmith CD [More info on this recording…]. Here’s, for example, is his take on the Park-Sanders duet:

Careful, crafty and well-played with that restrained yet fractured guitar that sounds so good. Han-Earl sound seems to be in between Derek Bailey & Philip Gibbs.

[Read the rest…]

Like I said, I’ll make the CD available shortly via (and it will be available as a download from, but in the meantime, if you want a copy, just drop me an email

…or, you could always walk down to the Downtown Music Gallery 😉

audio recordings: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith

‘Live at the Glucksman gallery, Cork’ CD cover
‘Live at the Glucksman gallery, Cork’ CD cover

A box of CDs has just arrived! This is the recording of the February 11th 2009 performance by myself with Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders and Jamie Smith. A big thanks to Jamie (and Owlhouse Recordings) for all the work put into the production.

I’ll make the CD available shortly via (and it will be available as a download from, but in the meantime, if you want a copy, just drop me an email.