Happy New Year: 2015

A belated note of thanks for all involved in the June 6, June 6 (no that’s not a typo—two performances on that day), and June 8 events. Thanks to the folk at ISIM, and in particular to Richard Robeson, Billy Satterwhite and Ed Sarath for organizing, curating and facilitating the event, and to Christopher Hoffman for the tech support; to Bruce and everyone at Downtown Music Gallery, the World’s Greatest Record Store (seriously, go buy a record from them right now); and to Andrea Wolper and her amazing series, and to Why Not Jazz Room. Thanks also to the multiple documentarists: videographers Don Mount and Juan Ant [watch/listen…], and to photographer Peter Gannushkin [see…].
As always, big thanks to the creative folk who shared the stage with me; it’s always a privilege. Applaud these folk: Mette Rasmussen, Michael Foster, Pascal Niggenkemper; Tom Rainey (how does one perform with a drummer who can anticipate every move?); and the two that complete Eris 136199: Nick Didkovsky and Catherine Sikora (always a blast).
Finally, thanks to all who came to listen. That’s to be my last visit to New York for sometime, and, audience big or small, it’s always a pleasure to perform for you.
Acknowledgments re the, for the time being, final performances of two projects: Eris 136199 on October 27, and Metis 9 on October 29. My hat goes off to my comrades Nick Didkovsky and Catherine Sikora who make Eris 136199 the site of unexpected choices—of twists and turns. We’d thought our previous performance was weird, this one warranted a new term:
weirderation wir-də-ˈrā-shən noun. process that results in something just that little bit weirder with each iteration. [compare examples A and B]
I am greatly indebted to Catherine Sikora and Josh Sinton for doing the heavy lifting, and turning my barebone sketches and speculations into music; for engageing intelligently, adventurously and imaginatively with the context at hand. These past months have been a learning experience for me as tactician, and I couldn’t have asked for better teachers.
Thanks to Bruce and Manny at the World’s Best Record Store for hosting us, and for their unshakable advocacy of new music. Thanks to Carol Parkinson, Hans Tammen, Kevin Ramsay, Emilio Vavarella and everyone at Harvestworks for hosting our performance, their enthusiasm, and for their support. Thanks again to Kevin Reilly for his video documentation of the DMG performance [watch/listen…], and, as always, thanks to all who came to listen and witness the musicking—real-time and interactive.
Next up: performance in Pittsburgh (November 7) as part of Crucible Sound, then back to New York (November 17) for a duo performance with Viv Corringham [canceled…] back to Brooklyn (November 20) for a duo performance with Anna Webber. See the performance diary for up-to-date info.
As Dave Sumner describes it, Work Spaces is “a series of photos of artist work spaces… the places where the creative process takes shape and form,” and in this edition features:
Han-earl Park work space in his Kensington, Brooklyn apartment. According to Park, it is also where Gisel the cat performs her role as music critic. [More…]
Also featured as part of Work Spaces is Catherine Sikora, Ian Smith and Han-earl Park’s download album which Sumner previously reviewed, and on this occasion describes as “improvised music, straight from the heart”. [More about this recording…] [All reviews…]
Dunmall-Park-Sanders (Birmingham, 02-15-11) [details…]
Performers: Paul Dunmall (saxophones and bagpipes), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Mark Sanders (drums).
(cc) 2013 Paul Dunmall/Han-earl Park/Mark Sanders.
Gargantius Effect +1 +2 +3 (Nor Cal, 08-2011) [details…]
Performers: Murray Campbell (violins, oboe and cor anglais), Randy McKean (saxophone, clarinets and flutes) with Han-earl Park (guitar), plus Gino Robair (energized surfaces, voltage made audible) and Scott R. Looney (hyperpiano).
(cc) 2012 Murray Campbell/Randy McKean/Han-earl Park/Gino Robair/Scott R. Looney.
Park+Murray (Cork, 07-29-10) [details…]
Performers: Han-earl Park (guitar) plus Marian Murray (violin).
(cc) 2012 Han-earl Park/Marian Murray.
Jin-Park-Weeter (Cork, 01-24-11) [details…]
Performers: Jin Sangtae (electronics), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Jeffrey Weeter (drums and electronics).
(cc) 2012 Jin Sangtae/Han-earl Park/Jeffrey Weeter.
Park-Schroeder (Cork, 03-26-09) [details…]
Performers: Han-earl Park (guitar) and Franziska Schroeder (saxophone).
(cc) 2012 Han-earl Park/Franziska Schroeder.
The fractured phrases that erupt throughout this disc often sound like just one musician playing…. Completely unique, exciting and engaging. [More…]
— Bruce Lee Gallanter (Downtown Music Gallery)
How many performers can you hear in this clip? Taken from the track ‘tricav,’ this is the fourth, and final in the series, of audio except from Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park’s CD, ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) released by Creative Sources Recordings. [About the recording…] [About this duo…]
Audio clip courtesy of Creative Sources Recordings.
Music by Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park.
Audio ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings. Please do not distribute audio file, but instead share the link to this page.
Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.
frantically jagged (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
an intricate web (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
lively, relevant, dizzying (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) [details…]
Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar). [About this duo…]
© + ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings.
lively, relevant, dizzying electroacoustic music; music that seems to be daring us to try and catch it. [More…]
— François Couture (Monsieur Délire)
Third audio except from Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park’s CD, ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) released by Creative Sources Recordings. This clip is from ‘tolur,’ the track that opens the CD. Does it dare you to “try and catch it”? [About the recording…] [About this duo…]
Audio clip courtesy of Creative Sources Recordings.
Music by Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park.
Audio ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings. Please do not distribute audio file, but instead share the link to this page.
Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.
frantically jagged (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
an intricate web (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) [details…]
Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar). [About this duo…]
© + ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings.
By means of an intricate web of sonic hiccups, scrapes, scouring, gluts, gargles and cuts, they build an acoustic lucid computational delirium, whose trajectory is impossible to outguess. [More…]
— Vito Camarretta (Chain D.L.K.)
Second audio except from Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park’s CD, ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) released by Creative Sources Recordings. This clip, with “hiccups, scrapes, scouring, gluts, gargles and cuts,” is taken from the closing track of the album, ‘ll……’. [About the recording…] [About this duo…]
Audio clip courtesy of Creative Sources Recordings.
Music by Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park.
Audio ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings. Please do not distribute audio file, but instead share the link to this page.
Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.
frantically jagged (audio clip: Numbers: Richard Barrett + Han-earl Park)
‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) [details…]
Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar). [About this duo…]
© + ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings.
Bazillions of events… for the joy of individuals who take pleasure in getting their brain zapped and scrambled by the rivalry between transonic beauty and extreme structural atomization. This is in fact a full hour of frantically jagged live improvisation…. [More…]
— Massimo Ricci (Touching Extremes)
I’m enormously proud of ‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd), the duo CD with Richard Barrett released by Creative Sources Recordings, which I feel has some of my best playing on record. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be posting up audio excerpts from the album. The first clip is from the track ‘creens.’ May your brain be “zapped and scrambled” in the best possible way. [About the recording…] [About this duo…]
Audio clip courtesy of Creative Sources Recordings.
Music by Richard Barrett and Han-earl Park.
Audio ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings. Please do not distribute audio file, but instead share the link to this page.
Try loading the original post, and playing back from there. Please contact me if you have further problems.
‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) [details…]
Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar). [About this duo…]
© + ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings.
Big thanks to all the performers over the weekend: Harris Eisenstadt, Michael Evans (drums), Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen, and, especially for the initial invite to perform at The Stone, to Tim Perkis, one of the very finest computer performers, and one of the few who understands the nuts’n’bolts of musicianship and performance.
Thanks also to Miguel Frasconi for curating the series at The Stone, and to Josh Sinton and Prom Night Records for putting together Save The Date #8 at the Douglass Street Music Collective; and to Kevin Reilly and Don Mount for the documentation. And, nothing to do with my own performances, but I want to mention Tom Djll who, with Andrew Drury (thanks for the transport back home, Andrew!) and Tim, presented borderline genius deconstructions—diabolical combinations of intelligent critique and humorous pastiche—that followed our set at The Stone.
And, as always, thanks to everyone who came to listen and witness real-time music in motion… including the one person in the audience who really did not dig what I was doing… at all %^}
Thanks for your generosity, encouragement, sense of fun and play, and the music (which encompassed all of these elements).
Thanks to Trevor Brent and everyone at Freedom of the City for a fantastic and welcoming festival; to Rob Mackay of the University of Hull-Scarborough Campus for being a wonderful, generous host—organizing the performance, housing and feeding the musicians; and to Jazz @ The Oxford for their open mindedness and enthusiasm. Special thanks to John Chantler and Hamish Dunbar at Cafe OTO for helping this itinerant musician step across the border, to John Coxon for the use of his lovely amplifier at FOTC, and to Seán Kelly for evolving into Mathilde 253’s official photographer!
Kudos to all the musicians involved: to Richard Barrett for pushing and pulling the music into new spaces, and for illuminating and exploring the possibilities of real-time interactive music; to Charles Hayward and Ian Smith—two musicians who never miss a beat—for the real rock-out (despite 1/3 of Mathilde 253 begin zombified by a cold); to Dom Lash, Phillip Marks and, in particular, to Mark Hanslip for inviting me to join in their spontaneous inventions and discoveries.
And finally, as always, thanks to all who came to watch/listen!
‘Numbers’ (CS 201 cd) is available from Creative Sources Recordings [details…]
Performers: Richard Barrett (electronics) and Han-earl Park (guitar).
© + ℗ 2012 Creative Sources Recordings.
Mathilde 253 (SLAMCD 528) is available from SLAM Productions [details…]
Performers: Charles Hayward (drums, percussion and melodica), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Ian Smith (trumpet and flugelhorn) plus Lol Coxhill (saxophone).
© 2010 Han-earl Park.
℗ 2010 SLAM Productions.