What is distance?
What is perspective?
What is that gaze?
What is that absence? [Read the rest…]
If you’ve missed them, the previous fourteen miniatures in the series were posted on Facebook and on Twitter.
Out on NEWJAiM Recordings

Of Life, Recombinant (NEWJAiM9) [details…]
Personnel: Han-earl Park (guitar) with Anne Wellmer (voice on track 4).
Track listing: Game: Mutation (5:38); Naught Opportune (≥ 10:42); Are Variant (≥ 8:06); Of Life, Recombinant (≥ 29:22). Total duration ≥ 53:48.
© 2021 NEWJAiM Recordings.
℗ 2021 Han-earl Park.