For those that don’t know, I founded Stet Lab, a space for improvised music based in Cork. I curated the Lab between 2007 and 2011, and during that time, also wrangled its online presence. In August, I will be removing some of the audio recordings of Stet Lab’s first year (prior to the November 2008 event) from its website. Read more to find out how to save your favorite recordings. [More…]
Stet Lab: signing-out as curator

Originally posted at Stet Lab [original article…]:
As previously announced, after thirty-two events over three and a quarter years, I’ve stepped down as curator of Stet Lab as of February 2011. The duties of running the Lab now are in the very capable hands of Veronica Tadman, Tony O’Connor, Athos Tsiopani with curatorial duties handled by Kevin Terry (Kevin and Tony performed at the very first Lab!). I’d like to thank all of them, Kevin, Veronica and Eoin Callery in particular, for their work keeping this no-budget, alternatively pedagogical space on track over the years. (And thanks for the whisky y’all!—sorry I was too taken to make a proper speech.)
My thanks also to all the guest artists who have shared the stage with us, generously contributing to, and transforming, this practice. There’s too many names to mention, but I’d like to thank, in particular, two club-runners, Bruce Coates (who with Sarah O’Halloran and I kicked-off Stet Lab in November ’07) and Mike Hurley for their advice, cautionary tales and encouragement; to Murray Campbell, Franziska Schroeder and John Godfrey who took time out of their busy schedules, and stepped-up when others would/could not; and to Corey Mwamba, Ian Smith, Justin Yang and Alex Hawkins for encouraging words, and an unwavering belief in grass-roots music organizations. Special thanks to Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders and Don Malone; heavy-hitters who believed in the Lab enough to participate with neophyte improvisers in what must be, by their standards, a low-key event.
Kudos to Jesse Ronneau for supporting improvised music, and the aims of the Lab in particular, during his time in Cork. I apologize for the many whose name I’ve not listed, but y’all have my warmest thanks, and my sincerest admiration for your contributions—we are a better space for it!
Of course, the biggest thanks go to everyone who participated as listener (and I am thinking in particular of the regulars who come every month!), and to those brave ones who jump-in the deep-end!
Signing-off as curator: Thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks to y’all!
BTW, some of my observations about running this space around the half-way point of my tenure as curator are at ‘Lab report 2007-2009: how to run an improvised music club’.
Please note that Stet Lab’s site has moved to Please update your bookmarks for the site and the corresponding web feeds. will remain as an archive of Lab activities between November 2007 and April 2011.
Also, there is now an index of Lab reports written between June 2008 and April 2011 by fourteen author-practitioners documented over nineteen events from the POV of the stage.
performances: final Stet Lab of 2009

Tomorrow (Monday, December 7th 2009) at 9:00 pm (doors open at 8:45pm): the final Stet Lab event of 2009. Featuring the saxophonist, composer-improviser and digital artist Justin Yang, the event will mark a few firsts: the first Stet Lab cover band (Yang with Han-earl Park—also the first Asian American duo at the Lab) and the first Stet Lab all women band (Susan Geaney, Marian Murray and Veronica Tadman). The event takes place at The Roundy (Castle Street, Cork, Ireland). [Details…]
performance diary 10-19-09
date | venue | time | details |
November 6th 2009 | Ó Riada Hall UCC Music Building Sundays Well Cork, Ireland |
1:10pm | Performance by Paul Dunmall (bagpipes and saxophone) and Han-earl Park (guitar) as part of the UCC concert series. Admission free. [Details…] [Concert series page…] [Poster…] |
November 10th 2009 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) | Stet Lab’s third birthday! Featuring Filario Farinoppo: Dario Fariello (saxophones, viola, electronics and little instruments), Filippo Giuffrè (guitar and electronics) and Antonio D’Intino (bass, electronics and little instruments), plus Han-earl Park (guitar) and Kevin Terry (guitar). Admission: €10 (€5). [Details…] |
December 7th 2009 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) | Me, Bailey; You, Parker: Justin Yang (saxophones) with Han-earl Park (guitar) perform as part of the final Stet Lab of 2009. Plus Susan Geaney (flute), Marian Murray (violin) and Veronica Tadman (voice). Admission: €10 (€5). [Details…] |
May 12th 2010 (TBC) | Blackrock Castle Observatory Cork, Ireland |
TBC | Debut performance by io 0.0.1 beta++ (itself) with Bruce Coates (saxophones), Franziska Schroeder (saxophones) and Han-earl Park (guitar). We are seeking further funding and performance opportunities. If you would like to help, please get in touch! |
2010 (TBC) | Venue TBC | TBC | Performance by Han-earl Park (guitar), Mark Sanders (drums) and Franziska Schroeder (saxophones). Details to follow… Interested promoters and venues, please get in touch! |
2010 (TBC) | Sonic Arts Research Centre Queen’s University Belfast Belfast, N. Ireland |
n/a | Recording session by Peter Elsdon (piano), Han-earl Park (guitar), Mark Sanders (drums) and Franziska Schroeder (saxophones). Details to follow… We are seeking sponsorship of this project. If you would like to help, please get in touch! |
performance diary 05-28-09
date | venue | time | details |
June 8th 2009 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) |
Final Stet Lab before the summer break (we’ll be back in October) with Juniper Hill (voice and little instruments) and Han-earl Park (guitar); Piaras Hoban (laptop) and Veronica Tadman (voice) with Francis Heery (viola) and Áine Mangaoang (violin); and Síofra Fitzgerald (flute) and Kevin Terry (guitar). Admission: €10/5. [Details…] |
performances: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith and Stet Lab
On Tuesday, February 11th 2009, at 1:10pm: the UCC concert series presents a concert of improvised music by Paul Dunmall, Han-earl Park, Mark Sanders, Jamie Smith at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery. Admission is free.
…and on the previous evening, a very special Stet Lab featuring the above performers, plus Andrea Bonino, Paul Dowling, Neil O’Loghlen, Owen Sutton, Veronica Tadman and Kevin Terry.
See the performance diary for up-to-date info.
performance diary 02-07-09
date | venue | time | details |
February 10th 2009 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) |
Stet Lab featuring Paul Dunmall, with special appearances by Mark Sanders and Jamie Smith, plus Andrea Bonino, Han-earl Park, Paul Dowling, Neil O’Loghlen, Owen Sutton, Veronica Tadman and Kevin Terry. Admission: €10/5. [Details…] |
February 11th 2009 | Lewis Glucksman Gallery UCC Cork, Ireland |
1:10pm | Performance by Paul Dunmall (saxophones), Han-earl Park (guitar), Mark Sanders (drums), Jamie Smith (guitar) as part of the UCC concert series. Admission free. [Details…] [Poster (PDF)…] |
March 26th 2008 | Lewis Glucksman Gallery UCC Cork, Ireland |
6:00pm | Performance by Han-earl Park (guitar) and Franziska Schroeder (saxophones) presented by Glucksman Unplugged. Admission free. |
performance diary 09-23-08
date | venue | time | details |
October 9th 2008 | Ó Riada Hall UCC Department of Music Sundays Well Cork, Ireland |
7:30pm | Stet Lab returns with Han-earl Park, Jesse Ronneau, Veronica Tadman and others. Free admission (€5 recommended donation). [Details…] |
November 10th 2008 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) |
Stet Lab celebrates its first birthday! Featuring Franziska Schroeder Admission: €10/5/0. [Details…] |
December 3rd 2008 | FrImp The Station High Street Kings Heath Birmingham, England |
8:00pm | Performance by Bruce Coates (saxophones), Mike Hurley (piano), Trevor Lines (bass), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Walt Shaw (percussion and electronics). Admission: £6/4 (£3 students). |
December 2008 (TBC) | Venue TBC Liverpool, England |
TBC | Performance by Bruce Coates (saxophones) and Han-earl Park (guitar) hosted by Frakture. Details to follow… |
December 8th 2008 | The Roundy Castle Street Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (doors: 8:45pm) |
Stet Lab featuring Bruce Coates. Admission: €10/5/0. [Details…] |
I am organizing a set of gigs in the U.K. and elsewhere during December 2008 and January 2009. In addition, I am looking for venues in Ireland to host performances by Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders, Jamie Smith and myself (Han-earl Park) in January/February of 2009. See the performance proposal (PDF) for more information. I welcome performance organizations, promoters and/or venues to get in touch. |
performance diary 09-21-08
date | venue | time | details |
October 9th 2008 | Ó Riada Hall UCC Department of Music Sundays Well Cork, Ireland |
7:30pm | Stet Lab returns with Han-earl Park, Jesse Ronneau, Veronica Tadman and others. Free admission (€5 recommended donation). [Details…] |
November 2008 (TBC) | Venue TBC Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (TBC) | Stet Lab featuring Hugh Metcalfe (TBC). Details to follow… [Details…] |
December 3rd 2008 | FrImp The Station High Street Kings Heath Birmingham, England |
8:00pm | Performance by Bruce Coates (saxophones), Mike Hurley (piano), Trevor Lines (bass), Han-earl Park (guitar) and Walt Shaw (percussion and electronics). Admission: £6/4 (£3 students). |
December 2008 (TBC) | Venue TBC Liverpool, England |
TBC | Performance by Bruce Coates (saxophones) and Han-earl Park (guitar) hosted by Frakture. Details to follow… |
December 2008 (TBC) | Venue TBC Cork, Ireland |
9:00pm (TBC) | Stet Lab featuring Bruce Coates. More details to follow. [Details…] |
I am organizing a set of gigs in the U.K. and elsewhere during December 2008 and January 2009. In addition, I am looking for venues in Ireland to host performances by Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders, Jamie Smith and myself (Han-earl Park) in January/February of 2009. See the performance proposal (PDF) for more information. I welcome performance organizations, promoters and/or venues to get in touch. |