thanks: Eris 136199 (Nick Didkovsky, Han-earl Park and Catherine Sikora) at On The Way Out, Brooklyn

Videography: Don Mount.

Thanks to our hosts Freddy’s and, in particular, Michael Evans of On The Way Out for their generosity in offering us the stage to perform last night (July 24, 2012). Thanks also to Jesse Stacken and Don Mount for the recording and documentation, to Christine Bard’s cast of thousands for sharing the stage, and to all who came to listen.

And of course my thanks to the always creative Nick Didkovsky and endlessly imaginative Catherine Sikora. After the swift, seemingly effortlessness of the first performance by Eris 136199, this was much more of a struggle for me (in the best possible sense), ranging as it did from the loud, heavy machinery noises to the quiet, delicate sounds. Thanks, Nick, Catherine, for pushing and pulling the music into ever more interesting spaces. Really looking forward to the next time we get to play!

Side effects of Eris 136199 may include temporary deafness, involuntary teleportation, spontaneous combustion, and molecular implosion. In addition, lab animals have been shown to dance without skill to the sound of double guitars and saxophone. …But you’ll love what it does to your brain! 😉


02–13–13: updated video: complete performance now available to view.

thanks: Nick Didkovsky, Han-earl Park and Catherine Sikora at ABC No Rio, New York

Nick Didkovsky, Catherine Sikora and Han-earl Park
Thanks to Blaise Siwula of COMA: Citizens Ontological Music Agenda and everyone at ABC No Rio for hosting the performance on Sunday (May 27, 2012). Thanks to Jim Goodin, Frederika Kreier, and the Rocco John Iacovone ensemble for sharing the stage.

Mono kudos to the Ultimate Nick Didkovsky and the Astonishing Catherine Sikora for the noise, melody, rhythm, space, density, contrast, synchronicity, asymmetry, serendipity and contradiction. For forging a space where melody can be melody, noise can be noise, meter can be meter, bluegrass can be bluegrass, all there, all necessary without imploding under idiomatic pressures. To Nick’s noisy, unruly complexity, where ‘extended technique’ doesn’t mean you can’t jam-on-C. To Catherine with her big, big sound, formidable technique, and impeccable melodic sense, who to quote Michael Lytle’s description of the performance “sailed around and through” the “sound machines.” Let’s return to this trio soon!

And if you’re wondering what we sounded like…

video recordings: Paul Dunmall and Han-earl Park, ‘Boolean Transforms’

A couple of short video clips of the November 6, 2009 performance by Paul Dunmall and myself. The full concert available on the CD ‘Boolean Transforms’ [Get the CD…].

video credits

Improvised music performance by Paul Dunmall (saxophone and bagpipes) and Han-earl Park (guitar).

Video: John Hough
Audio: Han-earl Park

Presented by the UCC Concert Series at the Ó Riada Hall, UCC School of Music, Cork, Ireland, on November 6, 2009. Thanks to Paul O’Donnell, Jesse Ronneau, Carmel Daly and John Hough.

Full concert available on DUNS Limited Edition CD ‘Boolean Transforms’ (DLE 067).

© 2010 Dunmall/Park

audio and video recordings: Sonorities 2009

Thanks to Franziska Schroeder, audio and video documentation of the performance on May 16th 2009 at the Sonic Arts Research Center, Belfast, N. Ireland (the closing concert of Sonorities 2009) is now online.

The performers were Chris Corrigan, Manuela Meier, Pauline Oliveros, Gascia Ouzounian, Han-earl Park, Pedro Rebelo, Franziska Schroeder, Justin Yang, plus Chris Chafe and Doug Van Nort. [Details…]

arts council logo

My trip to Belfast was made possible with the generous support of the Arts Council of Ireland.

video recordings: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith

Video clips of the February 11th 2009 performance by myself with Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders and Jamie Smith are now on YouTube.

video credits

Improvised music performance by Paul Dunmall (saxophone), Han-earl Park (guitar), Mark Sanders (drums) and Jamie Smith (guitar).

Video: John Hough.
Audio: Jamie Smith.

Presented by the UCC Concert Series at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland, on February 11 2009, during the exhibition Eye for An Eye: Representations of Conflict in 20th Century Ireland.

Thanks to Paul O’Donnell, Jesse Ronneau, Ciarán Meade, Carmel Daly, John Hough and Chris Paton.

Full concert available on the CD ‘Live at the Glucksman Gallery, Cork’, Owlhouse Recordings (owlcd002).

© 2009 dunmall/park/sanders/smith


05-01-21: replace old Flash-based embeds.

thanks: Dunmall-Park

Paul Dunmall and Han-earl Park
poster (click to download PDF…)

A very big thanks to Paul Dunmall for performing with me on Friday [Details…]. It was (despite me suffering from a cold) a mind blowing experience. What a, to borrow an adjective Paul uses a lot, fantastic player. I’m reminded how much I have to learn and practice.

Kudos to Jesse Ronneau and Paul O’Donnell of the UCC Concerts Committee for programming us, to Mary Mitchell Ingoldsby for taking time to show Paul around the uilleann pipes, and to Carmel Daly and John Hough for help in all matters, respectively, administrative and technical. Thank also to Aisling Ryan for plugging the gig on handy as a small pot.

Last but not least, thanks to all who came to listen and watch.

By the way, there is a recording (audio and video) which we’ll need to decide what to do with. I’ll keep you posted.

Han-earl Park on YouTube

Okay, okay, in addition to Facebook, MySpace, iLike and All About Jazz, here’s yet more waste of bandwidth:

Currently, the videos are duplicates of those found on Google Video, but more should be forthcoming. As before, however, is likely to remain the most up-to-date source of info on yours truly.

news pre-wordpressification

News items pre-dating the move to WordPress…


July 14th

Audio recordings of the July Stet Lab (featuring Mike Hurley) are available. Stet Lab will return in October 2008 (details).

July 1st

‘In Conversation with an Automaton’, my article on io 0.0.1 beta, is published in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

June 27th

New venue and earlier start time for the July 10th 2008 Stet Lab. (details).

June 15th

Audio recordings of the June Stet Lab available. The next Stet Lab (featuring Mike Hurley) will be on Thursday, July 10th 2008 (details).

May 21st

Relaunch, reconstruct and redesign the Stet Lab website. (Please note the changes to the news feed.).

May 9th

Audio recordings of the May Stet Lab available. The next Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will be on Thursday, June 12th 2008 (details).

April 18th

Audio recordings of the April Stet Lab available. The next Stet Lab on Thursday, May 8th 2008 (details).

March 22nd

Add audio recordings from the March 14th guitar-guitarist duets.

Also, audio recordings of the March Stet Lab available. The next Stet Lab on Thursday, April 10th 2008 (details).

March 18th

Add audio excerpt of the performance by Bruce Coates, Paul Dunmall, Trevor Lines, Han-earl Park and Jamie Smith from Birmingham, November 1st 2007. (The complete recording is available from

March 5th

STOP PRESS: new date for March Stet Lab and guitar-guitarist duets: Friday, March 14th 2008 (details).

February 17th

Audio recordings of the February 14th 2008 Stet Lab available. Next Stet Lab on Thursday, March 13th 2008 Friday, March 14th 2008 (details).

The first public performance in Ireland of the guitar-guitarist duets will follow the March Lab (details).

January 4th

Launch the new io 0.0.1 beta++ web site. (Old site remains available.)

Add video recordings of the performance by Murray Campbell and Han-earl Park from Brighton, November 28th 2007.


December 19th

Next Stet Lab on Thursday, January 10th 2007 (details), and audio recordings of the December 13th 2007 event available.

November 11th

Next Stet Lab on Thursday, December 13th 2007 (details), and audio recordings of the November 8th 2007 event available.

October 27th

Yet more changes the performance schedule: addition of a November 27th London gig and the finalization of the details for the November 8th and November 9th events in Cork.

October 21st

Changes to the performance schedule: new Edinburgh gig on November 26th 2007. Thanks to all, and Martin Parker and Lin Zhang in particular, for helping patch-up the cancelled Edinburgh gig.

October 12th

Changes to the performance schedule: one additions (including the launch of Stet Lab) and one cancellation: Stet Lab will launch on November 8th 2007.

The Edinburgh gig on November 26th 2007 has been cancelled. I am currently seeking alternative arrangements. If you can help, or have any suggestions, please contact me.

September 12th

Launch the new website at I expect the usual teething problems, so please contact me if you find any bugs. Currently the audio/video files are still hosted at, but, as more stuff is updated in the coming weeks, these should also migrate here. Many thanks to for hosting us for so long.

Begin the process of retiring the old copyright agreement, and replacing it with Creative Commons Licenses.

June 15th

Revision 0.0.4 of the duets between guitar and guitarist is in preparation.


September 27th

Han begins teaching a course—Safety First: strategies towards minimizing danger in improvisation—at the Department of Music, UCC

May 11th

Revision 0.0.3α (recorded April 2006) of Han and Esprit’s guitar-guitarist duets.

February 13th

Add quicktime movie of Lines with the live soundtrack recorded Amsterdam, August 28th 1998.



buster & friends’ d’da relocates to Cork, Ireland.


July 5th

C-ALTO Labs presents a preview of project HZ.

February 27th

The guitar-guitarist duets goes public as part of dialogues 2004, Edinburgh.

January 8th

buster & friends are co-sponsored Project Dada (Southampton) with the mission to investigate something by someone, somewhere at sometime.

January 5th

Revision 0.0.2α of the duets between guitar and guitarist.