audio and video recordings: Sonorities 2009

Thanks to Franziska Schroeder, audio and video documentation of the performance on May 16th 2009 at the Sonic Arts Research Center, Belfast, N. Ireland (the closing concert of Sonorities 2009) is now online.

The performers were Chris Corrigan, Manuela Meier, Pauline Oliveros, Gascia Ouzounian, Han-earl Park, Pedro Rebelo, Franziska Schroeder, Justin Yang, plus Chris Chafe and Doug Van Nort. [Details…]

arts council logo

My trip to Belfast was made possible with the generous support of the Arts Council of Ireland.

video recordings: Dunmall-Park-Sanders-Smith

Video clips of the February 11th 2009 performance by myself with Paul Dunmall, Mark Sanders and Jamie Smith are now on YouTube.

video credits

Improvised music performance by Paul Dunmall (saxophone), Han-earl Park (guitar), Mark Sanders (drums) and Jamie Smith (guitar).

Video: John Hough.
Audio: Jamie Smith.

Presented by the UCC Concert Series at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland, on February 11 2009, during the exhibition Eye for An Eye: Representations of Conflict in 20th Century Ireland.

Thanks to Paul O’Donnell, Jesse Ronneau, Ciarán Meade, Carmel Daly, John Hough and Chris Paton.

Full concert available on the CD ‘Live at the Glucksman Gallery, Cork’, Owlhouse Recordings (owlcd002).

© 2009 dunmall/park/sanders/smith


05-01-21: replace old Flash-based embeds.

Han-earl Park on YouTube

Okay, okay, in addition to Facebook, MySpace, iLike and All About Jazz, here’s yet more waste of bandwidth:

Currently, the videos are duplicates of those found on Google Video, but more should be forthcoming. As before, however, is likely to remain the most up-to-date source of info on yours truly.